Monday 14 June 2010

E3 2010: Xbox 360 Slim Is It Real Or Just A Hoax?

Here’s word on the much-anticipated Xbox 360 Slim that first appeared on a certain Italian website. Think this real? Well then, think again. Because someone out there put a lot of Photoshop skills and talents into waste. To put it simply, it’s fake. Assuming you’ve seen the ad, it shows a black 250GB 360 with really eye-catching side vents, much like those on the fenders of a Shelby Cobra. And then the author proposes another selling point—it’s compatible with a system called ‘Kinect‘.

We’re just as puzzled as you as to what that refers but there’s one thing we’re certain—it’s a far-fetched illusion. You can see the ad right here. Just be quick about it because Microsoft will probably burn it down in a few. Its tagline, written in fine Italian, is translated into ‘Live today’ with the rest of the copy translated as ‘ready for the technology tomorrow’—clearly words of a gadget nut with delusions of grandeur.

We’ll just have to see what Microsoft has to say about all this. Microsoft will be holding an E3 conference tomorrow. Hopefully, that thing they’re promising ‘for everyone’ doesn’t turn out to be the urban legend we’re talking about. (


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